Thursday, March 29, 2007

Its Getting Old Already

Dear Atorney General Cooper

My guess is that you are trying to figure out how to get out of this without further damage to the democratic party. It ain't happening. What you need to do is end it quickly and let the healing begin. I probably wouldn't be writing this except the camel's back broke today reading the blogs. 7 of the best years of my life were spent in Charlotte and Salisbury. What broke the camel's back was a line I saw in the comments of a blog. "The Banana Republic of North Criminila."

You have had in excess of 70 days to review 1850 pages of documents. Thats less then 27 pages a day and dropping as you prolong this nonsense. Given 2 hours for reading, and 6 for data sorting, I'm thinking that you should have had this figured out by now. I realize that this doesn't include Interview time and photo op time, but it all averages out.

There is no way that you are going to get the public to take that spoonful of sugar to make this medicine go down. I've been a lifelong card carrying democrat for over 30 years and I assure you that under the current circumstances neither you nor Governor Easley would get my vote and I've always voted along party lines. I grew up believing that the democrats are the peoples party. History has told me I'm right. This is the exception to the rule.

Enough is enough already. What more do we need to wait for. If you do have any evidence that the public isn't aware of, then share it with defense council and lets get this show on the road. If not, then let the 3 innocent men move on. My father had an expression. To phrase it politely, it states "Poop or get out of the bathroom". I believe it applies here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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I know I will use other converters and only make it an mp4, but I desired one that is suitable to the full screen and set it to other ipad device too.
Thanks a lot.