I've been reading the Duke related blogs for several months now and I am absolutely astonished at the "left wing / right wing" crap that I've been reading. The news media (print and televised) aren't a bunch of left wing shills. Quite frankly after watching BOR, gotta love it, thats Bill O'Reilly to folks like you and me, he has become such a raving lunatic cheerleader for the current president, that I want to throw up.
Nobody seems to remember a word that we used "back in the day". The word is radical. It means to go overboard, go to extremes, go to the outer limits. The media isn't radical left, and I'm not sure its radical right. The media has become a source for making news, not reporting it. When your new article starts out that...The New York Times is reporting........ or The Washington Post is reporting.....or The LA Times has confirmed....etc, there is a problem in your news organization. Quite frankly, if I read that "TMZ has confirmed/is reporting..." whatever, I'm going to start going to the horses mouth directly, and not reading it 3rd hand from someone who told me they got it from, who got it from. I should thank men like Dr. William Anderson of lewrockwell.com or Dr. KC Johnson of Durham In Wonderland for helping me get back on track with my reading.
What I'm seeing is not media biased toward this side or that, I'm seeing media that can make a big enough spectacle that it will sell. Based on what I'm reading in the NY Times or on CNN or where ever, the mass media takes whatever track will get you aroused enough to click on the story and trip their counters so they can sell ad space. This is not leftist, this is not rightist, its amoral fertilizer.
I get so upset when people look at a group like the Dixie Chicks and say things like they represent the lowest 5% of the population that get their news in 5 minutes at the top of the hour. Why, because I don't agree with them, President Bush is a disaster in office. He has not been a friend to the working man. He has given Cheney's buddies at Haliburton and Assoc. 27 billion of our money in "no bid" contracts and now they are moving to the UAE. 6 or 7 million new people now qualify for overtime according to his new rules......11 million lost it and those 11 million are the ones at Wal Mart and K Mart and elsewhere who didn't have it to loose to begin with. The press has been cheering him like dutiful little girls at a football game. Fox is the worst. The name callers are the ones calling "leftist" or "leftist agenda's" or whatever.
Nancy Grace is not leftist. She is a wingnut who will walk past evidence to sell her show. She is on a crusade to make cash and to hell with anybody who gets in her way. Anybody includes the mother of that missing boy she prosecuted....I mean interviewed.
Lest this be perceived as a rant against Nancy, BSNBC and FOX both had the round table discussions about Nancy like they were above any such thing.
I truly am disturbed by the state of the media these days.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
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3 years ago May 11, 2005 is the day the nightmare began for my only brother and family, when he was found executed 3 weeks before retiring from IBM in Durham NC. Words cannot begin to express the agony knowing he was not only beaten then executed, his body parts stolen, then what was "left" of him burned like an animal. No horror movie or nightmare could compare to the grisly reality that has touched not only my family, but many others as well!
Crimes against humanity exist 24/7 in every part of our globe, meanwhile our government not only knows and condones, it also participates in! I NEVER would have any clue of these awful truths had we not experienced and witnessed them, and is why I have gone public from right after my brother was killed, promised him, God, our mother, and others who too have been slain by hired hit men whom many are killed is by our own police. Murders, drugs, prostitution, sexual slavery, kidnapping, numerous crimes ending with trafficking of human organs, dead or alive.
There are reports by our own Government Accounting Office for many years telling the rise in this heinous reality, yet media will not touch it, and few are willing to come forward to expose because it is a "business" making billions of dollars to our broken country from the blood and souls of "strangers."
The global demand and profit by far exceeds any other criminal act where a kidney alone can fetch a million dollars. Half of India's population exists with only one, sold so they could live?! Where is the irony here?! Looking the other way only lets evil win, and these are truths that MUST be exposed!
I am personally begging whomever reads this to write to the Governor, and US Courts, and request action be taken to re-open my brother's death, and to help save lives! I alone cannot stop the endless cases of rape and slaughter, but "United" we can let our Government know that "WE" the people have rights, and acknowledge what is going on in again, not just our nation, but globally!
I know "The Powers That Be" do NOT want these horrific TRUTHS to see the light of day, and have been personally threatened with death. This is why I have gone public from the beginning, and have suffered and learned too much to look away and do nothing! I want JUSTICE for my most beloved brother, who was such an integral center of our family that has been completely destroyed. Nothing will bring Jack, or any of the innocents, but going public and yelling from the rooftops can start a chain of events that will lead to change and become aware of what is REALLY going on in our OWN Government! You will be not only shocked, you will be speechless!
I only wished what I am saying was a lie and a bad dream, but the reality is the brutal truth, and no words to describe the torment and rage that we all are indeed worth more dead than alive. PLEASE read the following links, and PLEASE write to the US Court on behalf of my family, so that we can finally have the TRUTH, JUSTICE, and RIGHTS that WE have as CITIZENS!
Rhonda Fleming
Cleveland, Ohio
Sister of my dearest friend Allen Jackson Croft Jr, who was found executed May 11, 2005 under a trestle in Durham North Carolina. He lived at 106 Carlion in Durham, and was only 3 weeks from retiring when he was "suddenly" found executed and "staged" to look like a suicide. Law Enforcement have fought us, threatened to charge me for harassment, neglected countless requests to every department and official in the state, and in Washington, and have been left like a dog chasing it's own tail, and enough is enough! They CANNOT be ALLOWED to get away with what they did to him, and others, and as long as I have breath in my body I will NEVER give in until there is JUSTICE FOR JACK!
Please write to: Federal Circuit Clerk/Executive
Street Address:
Howard T. Markey National
Courts Bldg
717 Madison Place, N.W.
Washington, DC 20439
Phone: 202-633-6550
Internet Web Site:
The address for all correspondence is:
You may contact the Governor's Office by sending a letter to Governor Easley,
by e-mailing the Governor's Office or by calling the Governor's Office at:
1-800-662-7952 valid in North Carolina only
(919)733-4240, or (919)733-5811.
Governor Michael F. Easley
Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
Fax: (919)715-3175 or (919)733-2120
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