Monday, April 19, 2010

My appologies, but this is an overdue rant

I came home from work today and sat down to my computer. The first thing on Verizon's news page is an article stating that 4 out of 5 Americans don't trust the federal government. the very next thing was a blurb that SCOTUS denied the retrial of a man convicted in Texas by a prosecutor having an extramarital affiar with the judge in the case. Gee, am I the only one here who sees something wrong with this? There should have been no decision there. The case had the appearance of being fixed and that alone makes it questionable in an "industry" that depends on transparency. Both the judge and the prosecutor should be dis-barred. We have no justice in this country anymore.

Why should anybody trust the feds when they can turn their backs on this. The supreme court has effectivly said in one decision that its ok to rig trials and exercise pull with our court system, nothing less. The idea that this judge wasn't "pulling for her beau" is just insane. Without transparency, the people can't trust the justice system. Wwe need that trust and transparency. SCOTUS said "no we don't".

My brother likens todays society to Rome right before the fall of the empire. I suspect he is right. Free speech does not exist on college campuses anymore and it is slowly going by the wayside in free society. Political correctness has become a cancer deteriorating our society in ways I never thought would happen. Women can cry rape (falsely) and walk away without fear of discipline but the poor bastard she accuses is all over the front page of every Republican owned newspaper and tv station in this country. The Pottawatomie Iowa case pretty much shows that a prosecutor can get away with letterally framing an innocent man and not be punished for depriving that man of his rights or his life.

I see a revolution in our future. The common folks have been convinced that taxes are way too high. Truth is, the tax rates in this country are the lowest they've been in 50 years. At some point the people have to realize that the Washington criminals we call the elected officials are taking advantage of us for the sake of big business. When will it stop.

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